Krijgen kamer 11 hoog met uitzicht over Georgetown,
even opfrissen en dan op pad.
Na een uurtje gewandeld te hebben en een hapje gegeten, shoppen en dan fietsen, maar niet zelf maar .....
Take a trishaw ride or walking tour of the George Town Unesco World Heritage Site!
The trishaw is a cute little peddle-power vehicle that has been around since the days of yore. Decorated with plastic flowers and blinking lights, these are now mainly “tourist mobiles” and are great for going around George Town’s narrow inner city streets.
The faint-hearted take note – trishaws may be dwarfed by other motorised vehicles but here in Penang, they are truly “Kings of the Roads” – a moniker earned from the way they “courageously” navigate past the busy traffic.
Voor 40 ringgit een trishaw gehuurd die met ons door Georgetown gaat pendelen.
Chinatown, Little India, en alle belangrijkste monumenten gezien, echt de moeite waard.
Op dit eiland is het kolonialisme zeer goed te merken aan de bouwstijlen en de leefwijze van meerdere godsdiensten die op vreedzame wijze bij elkaar vertoeven.
Na een dik uur nemen we afscheid van onze Trishawdriver, die ons netjes bij BayviewHotel heeft thuisgebracht.
We gaan even relaxen en tegen de avond natuurlijk het nachtleven in dat hier bestaat uit barretjes, terrassen , een heerlijk eetplein....
Red Garden Food Paradise
Located right smack in the middle of the town sits Red Garden Food Paradise where it is a One Stop Penang International Hawker Centre offering all of Penang’s famous fares. This already much sought after hawker food haven was officially opened by Penang Tourism & Environment Exco YB Teng Chang Yeow in January 2007.
Red Garden Food Paradise is conveniently located at Penang Upper Road near most of the town hotels and thus easily accessible by both locals and tourists. The ambience is conducive for friends and families alike to sit down either for a get together dinner or simply for a tete-a-tete over some drinks. Not surprisingly, at Red Garden Food Paradise, you will not only find the best local food of Penang but also international fares to cater to the discerning taste buds of our foreign friends from abroad.
There is a stage where professional singers and bands will be engaged to entertain the dining crowd and make the environment even livelier.
Parking woes in Penang would pose no problem for patrons as Red Garden Food Paradise has a car park beside this Hawker Centre with ample parking space.
There is a shopping arcade in the hawker centre itself and it offers local handicrafts and items, ranging from clothing to toys including packed food items, products of Penang which make good souvenirs and they are all reasonably priced.
Good ambience, cleaner environment and best Penang hawker food, which is what you will find in Red Garden Food Paradise.

Na een paar uurtjes vermaak rollen we moe en zeker voldaan onze kamer in.
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